Ways to Top-up

1. Prepaid Card
You have the ability to buy prepaid airtime cards valued at 10€, 20€, 50€ and 100€, which are sold in our associates locations, which can be found here.
2. Bank Transfer
Minimum top-up is 10€. You can make a deposit with the desired amount you wish to top-up your PlanetSim card to one of the bank accounts of our company (ALPHA-EUROBANK-NBG-PIRAEUS). Please state in the field “Reason” the number of the PlanetSim card you want the money to be added to. For your better service, if the deposit is performed after operating hours of a bank, please send us the depository via email (support@planetsim.gr) so that we can complete the transfer. Account Details: Γ.ΠΕΤΡΟΥΛΑΚΗΣ Α.Ε.Ε. Reason: PlanetSim number (372 ** ******)
3. Automatic top-up fixed order.
You define a minimum credit value you wish your PlanetSim to stay above and the value you wish your card to be topped-up with whenever your airtime drops below that threshold. This process is performed automatically by our system and requires a credit card to activate.
4. Top-up through our website
You can top-up your PlanetSim via a credit card or your Paypal Account through our website.

Bank Accounts